The stitching part starts with a length of waxed polyester thread that is approximately 4 times the length of the seam with a needle on each end.
When I started sewing, I tried non synthetic threads like linen and hemp. Those fibers are not strong. They broke after a few tugs. I found that I needed to use a waxed polyester thread. I first tried waxing polyester threads myself (Too labor intensive and creates beeswax crumbles that I have no patients for…..perhaps I wasn’t doing it correctly? Maybe there is an easier way of doing it.?..perhaps) I tried a very popular and well marketed brand called Ritza Tiger Thread. Its braided thread (impressive) it is strong, and comes in a good selection of colors but I find it slippery. Maine Thread is my go-to source for thread these days. I used their waxed polycord which has the perfect amount of wax for gripping stiches.

The stitch I’m using is called a locking saddle stitch.