The bottle of this wine has some really pathetic little green sausage looking “ground hog”….no wait…its a guinea pig…yeah…
My boss comes by and humors himself…
“Hey, don’t you think it would be fun to draw the little guinea pig?”
(me) “No….why do I want to waste anytime replicating that deranged little illustration!”
(Boss) “Well If it were me, it would be fun.!
(Me) “your irritating me….go away!”
I thought to myself….why not….why not scribble out my own version of a fat little green rodent.
AND…its gonna be dancing with a bottle of this simple-ass packaged wine.
So here it is…..my Guinea Pig who looks like a bottom heavy ferret.

Yup…Holiday items selling so fast that we don’t even need to put up the sign anymore….another endcap that will sit on the bleachers till next year….maybe….who cares.

oooooooh…what a fun name….like my name but it can’t shut up.